Sunday, March 06, 2011

Flipboard and Content Creation vs Consumption and the rebirth of Facebook

Thanks to my recent success at the Tech Coast Angels event, I find myself with a new iPad (version 1). I had been wanting an iPad for some time, but could never quite justify the purchase. Since I ended up with one, I've enjoyed using it. And, thanks to the iPad, I've discovered something remarkable.

I've been a Facebook user since mid-2007. I should write an entire blog post on my initial love affair with Facebook and then my slow decline. I remember my first purging of (non-)friends, my first set of rules for directing work-related invites over to LinkedIn, my first concerns over privacy, my concerns over Facebook's dismissive attitude of privacy, my long period of absence, where I still had my Facebook account, but never logged in, and then finally my eventual joining of the many others who either suspended, or canceled their accounts entirely. I haven't been a serious Facebook user since mid-2009.

So what caused me to come back? In a word - Flipboard.

Flipboard has solved a dilemma I have had with Twitter and Facebook for a while. That is, I like to use this blog to project information, but I like to use Facebook and Twitter to consume information. By placing this information in the format that Flipboard does, I find it far more engaging than the chronological scroll-information-dump format that either Facebook or Twitter defaults to.

Adding Reddit was a lot more involved (see link) but I really see this as a great tool. I can't remember where I read it, but laptops are great for content creation and iPads (and the like) are great for content consumption. Apps like Flipboard really show why this is so.

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